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第31章 第三十章 新学期伊始


按照之前计划的,Rachel和Quinn打算在glee club公开她们的关系,至于方式,她们采用了glee最传统的方式,演绎一首duet(二重唱)。当真正面对整个glee club的时候,Quinn发现自己还是紧张了起来,尽管她已经跟Judy出柜,也知道glee的成员不会对此有异样眼光,well,至少不会是因为她们的性向问题。


Rachel先起,“Lyin“ here with you so close to me. It“s hard to fight these feelings when it feels so hard to breathe(一起躺在着,你离我如此之近。无法抗拒的感觉让我无法呼吸)”那天晚上她看着睡着的Quinn,那样angelic的容颜,Quinn带给她的感受是从未曾有过的,她有过几个男朋友,也是发自内心地喜欢过他们,但是Quinn… takes her breath away(Quinn会夺走她的呼吸).她侧过身子,半对着满是柔和笑容的Quinn,两人的手从刚开始就未曾分开,“Caught up in this moment,caught up in your smile。(沉浸在这个时刻,跌陷在你的笑容里)”

Quinn接上,“I“ve never opened up to anyone, So hard to hold back when I“m holding you in my arms.(我未曾向他人敞开心扉,当拥你在怀,我却难以控制自己)”她想起曾经无数次,甚至在明白自己心意之前,只要跟在Rachel面前,她的理智就会少了一半,做些莫名其妙的事。那些理所当然的拥抱却有着不同寻常的满足,她居然花了那么长时间才明白过来,人的自我欺骗有时候确实很惊人。


【We don“t need to rush this. Let“s just take this slow

just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight

just a touch in the fire burning so bright

and i don“t want to mess this thing up

i don“t want to push too far

just a shot in the dark that you just might

be the one i“ve been waiting for my whole life

so baby i“m alright“ with just a kiss goodnight

i know that if we give this a little time

it will only bring us closer to the love we wanna find

it“s never felt so real“ no it“s never felt so right

just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight

just a touch in the fire burning so bright

and i don“t want to mess this thing up

i don“t want to push too far

just a shot in the dark that you just might

be the one i“ve been waiting for my whole life

so baby i“m alright“ with just a kiss goodnight】

两人不约而同想起寒假那些天。 Rachel只在头几天去过Quinn家两次,想让Judy习惯她们的新关系,当然,她们在Judy面前很注意自己的举止,不似在Rachel家那般不自觉地碰触对方。虽然Judy默认了Quinn的性向,可是知道真相之后,对待Rachel总是不那么自然,而最后一次在Quinn家不小心透过虚掩的房门看见正在热吻的两人,惊地掉了手中的衣筐,那种难言的尴尬让两个女生决定还是缓阵子再实行她们的计划。所以她们大部分的时间是在Rachel家度过的,当Quinn不得不回家的时候,两人便会在门廊那 kiss goodnight(晚安吻?),当然,时间可能是5到10分钟不等。

【no i don“t want to say goodnight

i know it“s time to leave“ but you“ll be in my dreams




just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight

just a touch in the fire burning so bright

and i don“t want to mess this thing up


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