“今天我为大家……”艾伦正想做开场介绍,却在瞥见台下那个熟悉的身影之后停顿了一会儿。是……是利威尔,他怎么来了?艾伦瞪大眼睛,望着同样看着自己的男人。顿时整个现场又安静下来,就在大家有些好奇艾伦怎么不说下去的时候,艾伦立刻恢复状态,继续说道,“抱歉。今天我为大家演唱一曲James Blunt的You\“re Beautiful,希望大家喜欢。”语毕,配乐响起。艾伦试着调整一下呼吸,不知道为什么此刻竟然有些紧张,就在发现利威尔也在现场的时候,心忽然一下跳得好快。
My life is brilliant.
My love is pure.
I saw an angel.
Of that I“m sure.
She smiled at me on the subway.
She was with another man.
But I won“t lose no sleep on that.
Cause I“ve got a plan.
Yeah, she caught my eye,
As we walked on by.
She could see from my face that I was,
Flying high, Fucking high,
And I don“t think that I“ll see her again,
But we shared a moment that will last till the end.
You“re beautiful. You“re beautiful. You“re beautiful, it“s true.
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don“t know what to do,
Cause I“ll never be with you.
You“re beautiful. You“re beautiful. You“re beautiful, it“s true.
There must be an angel with a smile on her face,
When she thought up that I should be with you.
But it“s time to face the truth,
I will never be with you.
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