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“I just knew,” Harry lied. He didn’t want Draco to get in trouble for this, for his living arrangement to become any more difficult than it already was. He just wanted him to be happy, as happy as he could be living as a ghost. Because that’s what he was now. A man living in the walls, venturing out into the dark, never speaking to another living soul. A phantom of his former self. “If the person you had fallen in love with was close by, wouldn’t you feel them, Professor? Wouldn’t you just know?”

“Mr. Potter. Harry. You understand how important it is that no one knows he’s alive?”

“Yes. I don’t understand why you two have done what you’ve done. But it must have been what he wanted. I just want him to be happy.”

“If that truly is your main concern, then you must also understand why you leaving puts a bad taste in my mouth. I trust you, Potter. Implicitly. But one slip up, and his safety is in jeopardy. Measures must be taken,” McGonagall continued.

Right, Harry thought. She’ll want to obliviate me.

“You must understand that Mr. Malfoy’s happiness and safety is also my first and foremost concern. After all, I risked life and limb even bringing him here in the first place.”

“Of course,” Harry replied, pushing down the sick feeling in his stomach.

Obviously, forgetting would be the best course of action for all parties involved. He could go back to his fantasies without knowing there was even a minute chance of them coming to fruition. Draco and McGonagall would remain out of harm’s way. Everyone comes out a winner. Maybe winner was too strong a word.

“I need to consult Mr. Malfoy. I trust I can take the time to do that without having to worry about you doing anything rash?”

“Of course.”

“Then I will see you in a few hours, Mr. Potter.”

And with that he was dismissed.

“Wake up.”

Draco was startled out of his sleep by someone shaking his shoulder.

“We need to talk,” McGonagall said, promptly exiting his bedroom.

She had never come into his apartments before while he was sleeping. She had never set foot in his bedroom. Shaking the sleep from his head, Draco concluded that this did not bode well.

“Mr. Malfoy,” the headmaster said the moment he walked into the common room, “Mr. Potter called me out of bed at an ungodly hour this morning with the request to take leave of the grounds. Would you like to know his reason?”

Draco swallowed. He told her. Of course, he told her.

“He says he realized the wolf on the school grounds was you. Do you know how he knew?”


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