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Harry turned as Hermione appeared in the kitchen, sleep mussed and yawning. Her hair was shorter than Harry remembered it being last week, pulled back into a low ponytail. She wore an extra ring next to her engagement and wedding rings, Harry noted as she yawned into a fist. Harry vaguely remembered something about wizarding traditions and eternity rings given when a first child was born. He turned to look at the inhabitant of the highchair in shock.

“What is going on?” Harry burst out, startling Ron as he reached out to his new wife with a cup of coffee.

Hermione ran a critical eye over him as Ron cleaned up the spilled drink with his wand. “Well, we knew it was coming,” she said with a shrug, and sank down into a seat next to the highchair. The little boy gurgled at her and she chucked him under his chin. “Unfortunate that it happened this weekend of all dates but, I suppose it can’t be helped.”

Harry wondered if he was about to burst into tears. “Look, will someone please tell me what’s going on?” He gestured helplessly at the little boy, who was now struggling to wipe his porridge covered fingers all over Hermione’s dressing gown. “So far this morning I’ve had a little girl jump on my bollocks, Ginny and Dean yelling about something called George, and a naked sodding Draco Malfoy trying to snog my face off!” he crumpled over onto the table, hiding his head in his hands. “Is this a dream? Do I need to click my heels together three times?”

Ron snorted above him. “Heels? I’d really rather not know the details to you and Draco’s sex life, if you don’t mind.”

Sex life? Draco? Oh, God, Harry thought. This is it, I’m about to be admitted to the Janus Thickey ward.

“Don’t tease him, Ron, it was bound to be a shock,” Hermione said, and Harry felt the familiar weight of her hand pressing against his shoulder. “Harry, what’s the last thing you remember, before you woke up this morning?”

Harry immediately started to calm under Hermione’s level and logical tone. Whatever was going on here, Hermione would be able to figure it out and put everything right again. He took a deep breath and lifted his head. “Me and Malfoy were clearing out a cursed house. We started to go down into the basement, and then we tripped, or something, and we fell down the steps. Then, I woke up with a very naked Malfoy pressed against me.” He stressed the part about the nakedness, wanting to make sure they both understood the severity of the situation. To his consternation however, Hermione merely suppressed a smile.

“Okay. Harry, I want you to tell me something: do you trust me?”

“What? Of course I do!”

She smiled and patted his hand. “Good. Then I want you to trust me when I tell you that I can’t say too much about what’s going on, but that I promise you that everything is going to be okay. Can you do that?”

Harry gaped at her. “I-I don’t know. Can you tell me anything?”

Hermione pursed her lips in thought. “I can tell you that there was a spell on the doorway you and Dra—Malfoy walked through, called Brevem Conspectum. It basically translates into a brief glimpse.”

“A brief glimpse at what?”

Hermione tipped her head to the side, wincing when the little boy took the opportunity to grab for her hair. “Let go, Hugo. That, Harry, is something you’ll have to figure out for yourself. If I tell you any more, it could change things.”

Harry looked from Hermione to Ron, who shrugged apologetically. “She’s right, mate. Sorry. You know we’d help if we could.”

“So, what do I do until I work it out?” Harry asked helplessly.

Hermione stood up, pulling the little boy out of the highchair to balance on her hip. The boy clapped his hands, spraying globs of porridge over the table. “Now, you go back home, and you try not to raise any suspicions. The good news is, Ginny’s looking after Lissa for the day, and there’s a party at the Burrow tonight, so you won’t be alone for too long.” Harry smiled at the thought of Hermione not wanting him to be all by himself, until she continued with, “So you shouldn’t mess anything up too badly.”

“So, you’re saying I have to go back to Malfoy?” Did you not hear the part about the nakedness?


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