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“Finally decided to grace me with your presence, I see,” Malfoy said behind him, and Harry jumped so hard he slipped off the sofa. Malfoy sneered at him. “I’m so bloody honoured.”

Harry stared at him. Malfoy had put some clothes on by now, and was wearing a pair of deliciously soft looking faded jeans and an untucked white shirt rolled to the elbows. He stared at the place where two of the shirt buttons were undone, showing a hint of skin and the way Malfoy’s throat moved as he swallowed.

“Got nothing to say?”

Malfoy stared down at Harry, his grey eyes cold. And a little bit hurt, Harry was surprised to notice. What had Hermione said? Try not to act too suspicious. Right then. Harry cleared his throat.

“Er, sorry. It was work stuff, something important that I forgot to tell Hermione about. I’m back now though. Er, obviously.”

Malfoy snorted delicately and turned away. “Bloody figures,” he mumbled, walking off in the direction of what Harry assumed to be the kitchen.

Harry followed, wracking his brain to come up with a way to fix this. Whoever this Harry was, he had clearly not been expected to go apparating off to his friends this morning, and Harry needed to fix this before anyone noticed he wasn’t acting in the right way. “I really am sorry,” he said, rounding the corner into the kitchen and finding Malfoy facing away from him, fiddling with the kettle. “But it was urgent, and it was about work.” Surely this Harry worked too, right? Harry’s eyes widened slightly. What if he was a stay at home dad?

Malfoy sighed and turned around to face Harry, leaning back against the counter. “No, I’m sorry. You told me where you were going, and you were gone less than half an hour, it’s not a big deal, really.”

“Yeah but, I upset you,” Harry said hesitantly, not believing an apology was really all it took. The Malfoy he knew would be spitting mad at any perceived slight against him.

Malfoy smiled. “I was just really looking forward to spending the whole day with you, that’s all.” The kettle whistled and he turned around to begin making two cups of tea. “Work has been busy for both of us recently, and with Lissa waiting for us when we get home every night, it just feels like it’s been forever since we’ve had an entire day to ourselves, you know?”

Harry nodded and accepted the tea Malfoy held out for him. He sipped at it in lieu of replying, and moaned aloud at the taste of it. “Mmm, this is perfect,” he said unthinkingly.

Malfoy snorted. “When is it not?” He raked his gaze over Harry as he drank some of his own tea. “We don’t have to be over at the Weasleys for a few more hours. Any idea how you want to spend the time?”

Harry went hot all over at the thoughts that inspired, his brain flashing images from earlier in the morning; sweaty, close, naked images. He cast his mind around for an innocuous activity they could do together without Harry raising too many suspicions. “The telly,” he burst out quickly, watching as Malfoy raised his eyebrows. “We could er, watch a film?”

Malfoy nodded slowly. “An afternoon on the sofa. How could I say no?”

Half an hour later, and Harry was beginning to regret his offer. He sat on one end of the sofa, Malfoy’s head in his lap and his hand wrapped around Harry’s thigh. The movie Malfoy had picked was set in space, a genre Harry usually loved, but he couldn’t concentrate on a single thing happening on the screen. Malfoy had drawn the curtains and left the lights off, and the room was dark and intimate, and he could feel Malfoy’s every exhale, hot and damp against his thigh. His hair was soft and smooth between Harry’s fingers, and it was only when he realised he’d been rubbing at Malfoy’s scalp that he yanked his hand away.

“Why’d you stop?” Malfoy pouted up at him and grabbed Harry’s wrist, forcing his hand back to his head. Harry tentatively moved his fingers again, and Malfoy arched his head into it like a cat, a contented humming sound rumbling deep in his throat. It startled a laugh out of Harry; it was just so like his Malfoy.

“Don’t laugh at me,” Malfoy said, turning away from the telly and looking up at Harry. His face was now a bit too close to a part of Harry that suddenly seemed rather interested in the new position. Harry held his breath and willed his erection away. Malfoy smirked and edged his face closer to the tell tale bulge in Harry’s jeans. “What a perfect way to spend our anniversary.”

“Anniversary of what, exactly?” Harry tried to keep his tone light, teasing rather than clueless. Despite what Hermione had said about him figuring stuff out on his own, Harry needed to know some details if he had any chance of not cocking up.

“Forgotten already?” Malfoy murmured, teasing the edge of Harry’s fly with his teeth. Harry sucked in a sharp breath.


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