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“Sounds intriguing.”

Draco tried to fight down the heat he felt on his cheeks. Was Potter…Was he flirting with him? No, it couldn’t be.

“I think we’d even make a better match than Oliver and I did,” Potter continued. Draco almost choked. “Oliver and I, we never talked like this. Sometimes, it felt like it was just about sex. For him, at least.”

This time, Draco choked for real and started to beat his chest repeatedly with his fist. He put down his glass and leaned his head against the sofa. How he and Potter had ended up sitting on the floor was a complete mystery. As was why they had started talking about Potter’s relationships. It wasn’t like Draco had asked him about it. Or had he? He really couldn’t remember.

“What was he like?” Draco murmured, furrowing his brows at how numb his lips felt.

“In bed?” Potter asked, laughing.

“Yeah.” No, wait, that’s not what he had wanted to say.

“Well, the few times we actually did it in a bed—” Oh, for Merlin’s sake! “—were quite nice.”

Nice? Was that code for awful?

“He could be…gentle if he wanted to. Most of the time, he was pretty aggressive, though. Good aggressive,” he added when Draco opened his mouth.

“How is aggressive good?” he asked. He had wanted it to sound disapproving; instead, he sounded intrigued.

Potter studied his glass, a small smile forming on his lips. “He was always so impatient. He ripped a dozen of my jumpers and nearly all of my trousers.” He chuckled. “And he always left lovebites all over my body.”

Draco gulped.

“He’d also grab my hair when he fucked me from behind.”

Sweet Salazar! The images in Draco’s mind were not helping.

“One time, we were doing it in the shower and I needed to go to St Mungo’s, because I dislocated my shoulder.”

Draco inwardly groaned. The thought of Potter, wet, pushed against the tiles, moaning and begging for more…

“That sounds horrible,” Draco said, hastily, bending his knees to hide the sudden bulge in his trousers. He quickly emptied his glass, the firewhiskey burning his throat. “Is that how you like it?” he blurted.

“You mean being rough? Or me taking a cock up my arse?” Potter laughed. Mesmerised by the sound, Draco simply nodded. That made Potter laugh even more. “Sure, I like it rough sometimes. Both really depend on the situation, though.” His face turned more serious when his eyes found Draco’s. “Or the person I’m with.”

Overwhelmed was a kind way to describe how those words made Draco feel. He couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think. Without knowing what he was doing, he inched closer to Potter, until their shoulders were touching. Bad, very bad idea.


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