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So here he was, lurking behind a tree as he watched Potter carefully get down on one knee and tap his wand against a little girl’s finger.

“There we go. No more splinter,” Potter said quietly and smiled at the girl. She was still crying, hiccuping every now and then. Potter reached up and gently brushed away a tear from her cheek. For the love of Merlin, did he really have to do that? Draco inwardly groaned.

“What’s your name?” Potter asked, playfully nudging her little nose. The girl just kept hiccuping.

“Her name is Celia,” Draco said, unable to stop himself. He went over to them and knelt down beside Potter.

“Celia. That’s a pretty name,” Potter said softly, smiling at her. “How old are you, Celia?”

Her brows furrowed as she looked down at her hands. She wrapped one around the other, slowly lifting one finger…two fingers…three fingers…When she lifted the fourth, she looked at Draco in silent uncertainty. He smiled at her, patting her head, and nodded. Still tear-stained, but now beaming, she turned to Potter and showed him her hand.

“Wow, four years,” Potter exclaimed, enthusiastically.

Draco ignored the warmth spreading in his chest, and patted Celia again. “Does it still hurt?” he asked. She blinked a few times, new tears rolling down her cheeks, but, finally, she shook her head. “Good,” Draco smiled.

Celia’s eyes darted between him and Potter before she leaned over to Draco, grabbed a handful of his robes and placed her head against his chest. She liked doing that.

“Are you Mr. Malfoy’s friend?” she asked, regarding Potter closely.

“Um…” Draco could practically see Potter starting to sweat. “Yeah,” he said quietly, his eyes darting to Draco’s. Oh fuck.

“Did you go to school together?”

“We did,” Potter said, turning his attention back to Celia. She seemed to be thinking hard, her grip on Draco’s robes tightening.

“Can you fly really good?”

Potter laughed, the skin around his eyes crinkling. “Well, I’ve been told I do quite alright on a broom.”

“Oh please,” Draco snorted. “You know how good you are. You would have beaten me in that race yesterday if it hadn’t been for that bird.”

Potter’s eyes found his once more, all warm and soft, sending Draco’s heart into a frenzy.

“Are you good at doing magic?” Celia asked, obviously getting more excited.

“Oh, you know, I—” Potter chuckled at Draco’s exasperated expression. “Yes. Yes, I am.”


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