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Draco couldn’t help but smile at her enthusiasm. What was it about her that made him feel like the world wasn’t such a bad place after all?

“Have fun,” he said. “I’d better take Potter someplace else, though. Are you going to be okay on your own?”

“I’m not on my own, there are a bunch of children waiting for me. And Stacey said she’d help me.” Beaming, she skipped into the classroom where the children welcomed her and the plush unicorn with ear piercing screams.

Honestly, the more Draco thought about it, the more he was convinced Luna would make a great addition to the teaching staff. Who would have thought?


Draco stiffened, slowly turning around. Oh no.

“Been standing there long?” he asked, trying to sound like he didn’t care. Potter shrugged, but Draco sensed he wanted to say something.

“Out with it, Potter. What is it?”

“You’re good with kids,” he said. Draco caught the underlying tone of wonder and snorted.

“I know, shocker.” He rolled his eyes when Potter sniggered.

“Actually, it is kind of a shocker. All this, I mean.” He gestured around the hallway, apparently at a loss for words. “I have so many questions.”

“I figured,” Draco sighed.

“Come on, you have to admit it is a little odd.”

Draco just shrugged.

“Why didn’t you tell me about this?”

“There was no reason to tell you about it.”

“No reason? Right, because it’s totally normal for Draco Malfoy to be volunteering at a magical infant school.”

“And that,” Draco said, waving his index finger at Potter, “is exactly why I didn’t tell anyone about this.”

Potter stared at him, his expression thoughtful. “Don’t you want people to know what you’re doing for the Wizarding community?”

“No,” Draco said, defiantly. “I don’t need some hypocritical article in the Daily Prophet or whatever bollocks they’d do.”


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