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“No, wait! I don’t think you should be using magic right now.”

Draco rolled his eyes, even though he quietly agreed with Potter. “You do it, then.”

Potter’s face twisted. “No, I don’t trust myself to—No. Let’s just—Wait here, okay?” He got up and darted into another room. His bedroom, Draco supposed. When he came back, he was holding a blue jumper.

“Here, put this on.”

Draco scrunched up his nose and crossed his arms in front of his chest. “That’s ridiculous. Just wave your bloody wand and it’ll get rid of the stains.”

“Draco,” Potter said in a stern voice. “I’m not using magic on you right now. Stop being a baby and put this on.”

Gritting his teeth, Draco wrenched the jumper out of Potter’s hands and stomped into his bedroom, banging the door shut behind him. Throwing the jumper on Potter’s bed, he unbuttoned his shirt with furious fingers and tossed in on the floor. He grimaced as he pulled on the jumper, unwilling to acknowledge how soft it felt against his skin. And…oh Merlin, he didn’t think this through! Of course the jumper smelled like Potter!

Carefully, Draco sniffed at the sleeve and was immediately overwhelmed. How was he supposed to survive the evening like this? He tried not to think about how many times Potter had worn this jumper, how it usually caressed his skin, how it probably tousled his hair when he pulled it off…Oh, Merlin!

With a scowl, Draco looked down on himself. He probably looked ridiculous. The jumper was far too big. Why Potter liked his clothes like this, Draco would never understand. He looked around, frowning. Didn’t Potter own a mirror? Huh. There was something in the corner of the room that could be a mirror, but it was covered with a bedsheet. Letting curiosity get the better of him, he walked over and lifted it. Surely enough, his reflection stared back at him. Weird! Why would Potter cover up his mirror? Oh, and Draco did look very ridiculous indeed!

Sighing, he let go of the bedsheet and turned around. His gaze fell on a picture frame on Potter’s bedside table; Potter, Granger and Weasley were grinning like idiots, their arms around their shoulders. It must have been taken at Hogwarts, or at least during their time there. Somehow, Draco thought it was significant that this seemed to be the only personal thing Potter had on display in his flat. And it was in his bedroom, so not everybody would see it. He had no idea what to make of it.

“Are you okay in there?” he heard Potter call. Draco huffed and kicked his shirt into a corner. Potter could clean it for all he cared. Grumpily, he marched back into the living room. He caught sight of Potter’s face, which was strangely lighting up. He almost looked as though he liked seeing Draco in his jumper.

“It’s too big,” Draco muttered as he sat down.

“All my clothes are like that,” Potter shrugged, but there was a hint of nervousness in his voice.


Potter shrugged again. “I’m used to it, I guess.” He was still looking at Draco in that strange way. He probably just felt smug, having robbed Draco of his dignity.

“This was just a ploy to get me into one of your hideous jumpers, wasn’t it?”

“Maybe,” Potter said with a cheeky grin. “It looks good on you.”

Draco snorted, looking down on himself once more. It was like he was wearing a tent. Potter was about his height, and while his shoulders might have been a bit broader, it didn’t explain why he was choosing to wear clothes that looked like they could fit that half-giant, Hagrid.

Draco’s eyes roamed Potter’s face, his torso…Now that he thought about it, it looked like Potter had put on a few pounds. Good. The thought that his Muggle relatives had starved him still made Draco want to scream. But Potter looked healthier now and Draco suddenly felt weirdly grateful for that.

“Are you still in touch with your Muggle relatives?” he asked, unable to stop himself.


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