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“Hey, Draco,” Luna beamed. “You remember George, right?” Thank heavens for this girl!

“Hey…Draco?” It almost sounded like a question, as though George was trying to navigate the unfamiliarity of his first name.

“George,” Draco said with a small nod. Yeah, this was really weird.

“You guys are friends?” George asked, his voice dripping with scepticism.

“Oh, yes,” Luna smiled. “Draco can be really nice. Although I think he prefers to let people think he isn’t. Not like in the past, though. He wasn’t nice when he was a Death Eater. But I think he’s trying to make up for it.”

As always, Draco’s mouth dropped open in astonishment. “You really just say what comes to mind, don’t you?”

Luna cocked her head. “Don’t you? Oh, no wonder you’re scowling all the time if you keep all of your thoughts to yourself!”

“I guess it hurts people sometimes, hearing other people’s unfiltered thoughts,” George said. It didn’t escape Draco’s notice that he was giving him a speculative glance.

“But everything I just said is true,” Luna said.

“Is it?” George asked in an unconvinced tone. Draco bit his tongue, but before he could stop himself, the words spilled out of his mouth.

“Listen, I know it probably means nothing to you, but I am really sorry. I’m sorry for the role I played in the war and…for what happened to your brother.” Draco stared at the floor, unable to look George in the eyes.

“You already said that,” George said, prompting Draco’s eyes to involuntarily snap up to his. “In your letter. I haven’t forgotten.”

“Oh, you got one, too?” Luna asked without sounding surprised. Instead, she sounded happy.

“Yeah,” George said slowly before he turned his attention back to Draco. “It was a good gesture, you know, that you wrote to each of us individually, instead of sending one letter to the whole family. I appreciate you apologising in person, but I don’t put much value to words.”

“Oh, but Draco is—”

“Luna,” Draco interrupted her warningly.

George’s eyes flickered questioningly between the two of them. Luna just shrugged.

“Well, as much as I prefer action to words, Harry says you’re different now, too, so…” He raised his butterbeer to Draco and took a swig. “I guess I’ll keep an open mind.”

“Right,” Draco said with the ghost of a smile. Honestly, he had expected worse. So much worse. Also, Potter was talking about him? He wasn’t sure how he felt about that. It made his belly all fluttery and warm. Ugh.

“You want something to drink?” he asked, turning to Luna.


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