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“So? You’re not supposed to be—” He rubbed at his chin, drawing Draco’s attention to it. He immediately wondered if Potter’s beard felt as soft as it looked. Merlin, how he longed to touch it.

“It’s not an act, if that’s what you’re—”

“Whatever it is, you need to stop. Now!”


Potter glowered at him. “You’re engaged,” he said, as if that explained everything.

“Why do you even care?” Draco said through gritted teeth, his heart hammering in his chest.

“Fuck you, Draco! You know why.”

No, Draco didn’t. Because it couldn’t be.

They stared at each other for a long moment, until Potter’s expression turned from livid to something more complex.

“How long have you been engaged?”

“That’s—” —none of your business, he wanted to say. He didn’t want to talk about this. Least of all with Potter. But he was tired of fighting. He couldn’t tell Potter the whole truth, but maybe he’d stop pestering him if he at least told him something. “We got engaged last summer,” he finally said.

“Who is she?”

“Her name is Astoria,” Draco said, unwilling to give more information. The look on Potter’s face made his stomach twist uncomfortably.

“Do you love her?” he asked, his voice barely a whisper.

Draco averted his eyes, staring at Potter’s polished shoes instead. He had really made an effort today. Had it truly been for Draco? Or…for Henry?

“Do you love her?” Potter repeated in an almost pleading tone. Draco pressed his lips together. He couldn’t answer that; there were too many reasons not to. He could feel Potter’s eyes on him, could almost feel his breath on his skin. They were standing too close.

“Will you please stop looking at me like that?” Draco said, pointedly keeping his head down.

“Like what?” Potter whispered.

Draco squared his shoulders before he lifted his head in defiance. “Like you want to look at me.”

Potter’s adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed. “I don’t,” he whispered. “Believe me, I wish I didn’t want to. I wish—” He leaned closer, sending Draco’s pulse into a frenzy. “I wish things could be different.”


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