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“It’s absolutely unnecessary.”

“You don’t know that.”

“I do, actually.”

Draco paused, taking in Luna’s serious expression. “He told you.”

“He did.”


“He didn’t tell me everything,” she clarified. “But he did tell me what you thought this was about.”

“I know what this is about.”

“You really believe that? You really believe Harry would do something like that?”

Draco didn’t answer and quietly took a sip of his tea.

“He really likes you, Draco,” Luna said softly.

Draco flinched. “He hurt me,” he murmured.

“Because you like him, too. Only the people we care about can hurt us like this.”

Draco hated that Luna was so insightful. It made hiding his feelings so much harder.

Exhaling loudly, he leaned back in his chair and buried his hands in his hair. “I have no idea what to think anymore. There were times I thought he really might like me. We talked about so many things, he trusted me with so many secrets,” he let out a pained laugh at the memories. “I should have known it was all too good to be true. Honestly, the night he made dinner I should have—”

“Wait, he made dinner for you?” Luna asked, her eyes wide.

“Yeah. Honestly, in hindsight, it almost seems like it was meant to be a date, but—”

“No, no, that’s not what I mean,” Luna interrupted him. “Actually, I’m very certain it was meant to be a date, but my point is…He made you dinner and you actually…You saw him eat?”

Draco frowned at her. She sounded like it was a big deal. “Of course I—” He paused. Wait. He had noticed something strange about that, hadn’t he? When Potter had brought him breakfast, when they had been at the restaurant and at Potter’s flat…he had barely eaten anything. He had looked tortured and uncomfortable. “Luna,” he said, his tone suddenly urgent. “Is there something wrong with him?”

Luna looked like she was biting the inside of her cheek. “I think you should talk to Harry about that.”


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