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“Potter,” he said softly, stroking his cheek with his thumb. “Take off your jumper.”

“What?” Potter didn’t just look surprised, he looked panicked.

Draco leaned closer. “Do you trust me?”

Potter didn’t answer, his expression turning more painful. Draco let out a sigh before he pressed their foreheads together.

“Are you really that stupid?”

Potter scowled at him but said nothing.

“Fuck, I can’t believe you’re making me do this,” Draco muttered.

“I’m not making you do any—” He fell silent when Draco pulled away, removed his hand from his cheek and got up. Slowly, without breaking eye contact, Draco started unbuttoning his shirt.

“What—What are you doing?”

“Listen carefully, Potter, because I’m only going to say this once.” He peeled the shirt off of himself and threw it on the floor. “You understand?”

Potter stared at him, wide-eyed. It took a few seconds before he slowly nodded. Draco took a deep breath. He had never felt more vulnerable in his life. Not only was he, quite literally, exposing himself to Potter, he was about to expose what he had so desperately been trying to hide. But he had a feeling it was now or never.

He sat down on the bed, facing Potter, but before he could say anything, Potter let out a dreadful gasp, his eyes fixed on Draco’s chest.

“Draco, this—this—Fuck!” He threw back the duvet and jumped out of bed as though he had just been bitten by an Acromantula. One hand was clamped over his mouth, his eyes full of horror. “I did this to you,” he whispered.

Shit! Draco hadn’t really thought this through, had he? Of course Potter would blame himself for this.

“Potter. Potter!”

He didn’t seem to be listening. His mind seemed to be somewhere else. Draco got up, taking a step closer to him.


He was shaking his head furiously. He looked like he was about to be sick. Draco gritted his teeth. Potter would be the death of him. Seriously, how much more of himself was Draco supposed to expose? Ugh!

“Harry,” Draco said quietly. Potter stilled. His eyes finally focused on Draco. “Come here.” He stretched out his hand. “Please.”

It took an agonisingly long time until Potter put his trembling hand in Draco’s. He let himself be tugged back to the bed where they both sat down.


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