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Draco did, his movements becoming more confident with every flip of his stomach and every thrust of Potter’s hips.

“Oh fuck! Oh yes, yes!”

Draco almost cried out when Potter’s hand curled around his cock; it only prompted Draco to move even more frantically.

“Fuck, you’re so tight! I think I’m—I’m—”

“Wait, not yet,” Draco moaned. Mere seconds later, his eyes rolled to the back of his head while his insides turned into molten lava. “Nngh!” His entire body trembled violently as he spilled all over Potter’s hand.

“Oh fuck, Draco! Draco! Draco!” Potter thrust into him one more time, pushing his hips upwards, before he writhed beneath him, his cock throbbing inside Draco. “Holy shit,” Potter groaned, tossing an arm over his eyes. His chest was heaving. Draco slowly lifted his hips to release Potter before he collapsed on top of him and buried his face in the crook of Potter’s neck. They stayed like this in silence for several minutes until Potter squirmed.

“What?” Draco asked, debating if it would be too much to kiss Potter’s neck. What the hell, he thought, and did it.

“Aren’t you going to move?” Potter sniggered.

“Hmmm…no. I don’t want to move right now.”

“Alright.” He sniggered again, wrapping his arms around him. Draco felt another rush of warmth course through him but, unlike before, it wasn’t as urgent. It was more like a pleasant buzz, vibrating through him.

“I—” Potter quietly cleared his throat. When he didn’t continue, Draco slowly lifted his head to look at him. “I can’t believe I just took your virginity.”

Draco paused. Was that…regret he was hearing in Potter’s voice? Ah, maybe not. He was smiling. But still, there was something about the way he’d said it. Wary and quiet.

“Don’t worry about it,” Draco said, a little more snappish than he had intended. “It’s not like we have to get married now, if that’s what you’re concerned about.”

“Won’t your parents—I mean, err…”

Draco let out a sigh. “I’m not obliged to keep them updated about my virginal status, Potter. Besides, I really don’t care about what my father has to say anymore.”

“Oh.” Potter sounded surprised. “And your mother?”

“She’ll come around. Eventually.” Draco placed his head on Potter’s chest again, brushing his fingers against his shoulder. “I haven’t told her about the engagement yet.”

“Oh. You—You’re giving up a lot…to be here with me. Aren’t you?”

Draco pressed his lips together, feeling grateful Potter couldn’t see his face. “Yes and no,” he murmured. “A lot of the things my parents have taught me were…well, you know. I guess there’s always been this pressure, since I’m the only Malfoy heir, but…I just don’t see the point anymore. I guess mother will be disappointed, but…” He felt himself blush but suppressed the urge to hide his face behind his hands. “There are more important things.”

Potter’s hand in his hair froze, as did the rest of his body. Draco mentally slapped himself and wished he could take back those stupid words. He almost jumped when warm fingers found their way to his cheek, under his chin, gently turning his face upwards.


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