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“It’s just drinks, Draco,” Blaise said.

“What’s the big deal? We’re having drinks right now,” Draco pointed out.

“Tea doesn’t count,” Pansy said, shaking her head. “And it definitely doesn’t count if you don’t leave the house.”

“Come on, it’ll be fun,” Blaise grinned.

“I doubt that.” Draco leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

“Boring,” Pansy said in a sing-song voice, pursing her lips as she took a sip of tea.

“Draco,” Blaise began, making Draco groan. “Just come for one drink. If you don’t like it—”

“Let him be, Blaise,” Pansy interjected. “It’s no use if he doesn’t want to.”

Blaise scowled at Pansy, muttering “Traitor” under his breath.

“Finally,” Draco said with a smirk.

“Honestly, you’d probably be uncomfortable there anyway,” Pansy said in a bored tone.


“We’re meeting Finnigan and Thomas,” she said, completely nonchalant. “And they said something about a few other people they’d invite, too.”

“You’re meeting Finnigan and Thomas? For drinks?” Draco asked, incredulously. “But…why?”

“Surprisingly, they’re pretty fun to be around,” Blaise shrugged.

“But…since when are you hanging out with them?”

“We don’t. We ran into each other on New Year’s and thought it might be fun to do it again.”

Draco looked at his friends in bewilderment. What the fuck had happened while he had been in France? He had been gone for a week, a week, and now his friends were in liaison with two former Gryffindors?

“Who else is coming?” Draco asked suspiciously.

“I’m not sure,” Pansy said. “But I’m guessing they’ll bring some of their mates.”


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