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Draco restrained himself from rolling his eyes. He had a feeling she would keep pestering him unless he gave it a go. Wrinkling his nose, he bent forward to take the straw between his lips. Huh. It wasn’t so bad. Not bad at all, actually. His expression must have given him away, since Luna beamed at him.

“See,” she said. Draco almost smiled before the door opened and his eyes darted over to the person who had just stepped in. Not Potter. Draco gritted his teeth, berating himself for being so foolish. This was not good. He was a grown man. A successful, accomplished grown man. So how come Harry bloody Potter made him feel like a little boy whose candy had just been taken away from him? This was so not good.

“I’ll get the next round,” he announced, rising from his seat.

“I’ll join you,” Luna said.

Great, Draco thought. Apparently, the pestering was about to continue. They made their way to the bar together with Draco only glancing at the door once.

“Are you afraid someone you don’t like will show up?” Luna asked. Draco blinked, feeling caught but also unsure how to answer that. “It’s okay,” she continued. “You don’t have to like everyone, you know.”

Draco snorted and turned his attention to the bartender. While the bloke was busy preparing their drinks, Draco peered over at Luna, who was smiling at him. This girl was very hard to figure out. He didn’t have to like everyone? Nobody here liked him. Except for Blaise and Pansy. And on some days, he wasn’t even sure they really did.

“I heard something interesting about you the other day,” Luna said. Draco froze. Uh-oh. This couldn’t be good. “A friend of mine works at a non-profit organisation here in London.” UH-OH! “I think you know her. Her name’s Stacey. She said—”

“She must have confused me with somebody else,” Draco said hastily.

Luna cocked her head. “I…didn’t even say she saw you.”

“Oh.” Damn it!

Luna leaned closer to him and dropped her voice. “Do you not want anyone to know?” she asked. Draco stayed silent, pressing his lips together. “That’s okay,” she said. “But I really like what you’re doing. I think that’s a very good way to redeem yourself.”

Draco made a choking sound. Was this girl for real? She didn’t seem to mean it in a sarcastic way.

“Is something wrong?” she asked.

Before he could stop himself, Draco laughed. “No, nothing’s wrong.” He drummed his fingers on the bar as he watched Luna play with a strand of her hair. “Why are you here?” he asked after a while.

“Going out with friends is nice,” she shrugged. “I never—”

“No,” he interrupted her. “I mean, why did you come with me?”

“Oh, I thought you might like some company,” she said and smiled again. Something about her smile made Draco nervous. It was too genuine, too sweet, too understanding. “You looked kind of sad.”

“Sad?” Draco echoed, raising an eyebrow. Why would she think that? “I’m not—”

His eyes involuntarily flickered over to the door, which had just been opened again. His breath caught in his throat as everything around him suddenly seemed to be happening in slow motion. Potter was smiling, his eyes lighting up as he caught sight of his friends. He raked his fingers through his hair, which was sprinkled with snow. Draco’s eyes widened. His cheeks were red from the cold, and he was wrapped in a thick black wool coat that made him look far more sophisticated than Draco knew he was.


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