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“Honestly, I had to take a few breaks. I couldn’t read it all at once.” He squeezed Draco’s hand. “I always suspected it must have been horrible for you, being a Death Eater, but…What they did to you—”

“Potter—” Draco snatched his hand away, his face twisting. He really, really didn’t want to talk about this.

“Sorry,” Potter mumbled. Draco could feel his eyes on him, the sympathy that was probably shining brightly in them. “But I think it’s remarkable how you made it through that and became the person you are today.”

Draco let out a humourless laugh. “Yeah, a pompous git as you like to put it.”

“You know I’m just teasing. You seem content, that’s what I’m trying to—”

“I have nightmares,” Draco blurted. “Not as often as I used to but—” As soon as the words had left his lips, he wished he could take them back. He always tried so hard to not let anybody see how much he was still hurting, how damaged he was. He didn’t like how his brain seemed to ignore that particular precaution, seemed to be completely shutting down in Potter’s presence.

“I get them, too,” Potter said quietly. “It’s really not fair, is it? Voldemort is gone, but the battle isn’t over.”

Draco said nothing, his throat quickly closing up.

“But I guess we’re trying, right?” Draco felt Potter shift beside him and saw him grab the firewhiskey out of the corner of his eyes. “Another one?”

Wordlessly, Draco handed Potter his glass. Hopefully, the alcohol would make this talk easier. Or better yet, it would lead to a different topic entirely, a happier one. Draco should have known he should be careful what to wish for. Half of that bottle later, their conversation had turned into a dangerous balancing act for him.

“How in Merlin’s name were you able to keep that a secret?” he shrieked, outraged. Potter giggled. He actually giggled!

“Believe me, it was hard work. We never went out in public together,” Potter said with a sigh. “Ultimately, it was too much pressure. We were both unhappy, so we ended it.”

Draco shook his head and took another sip. “I cannot believe you dated Oliver Wood! For almost two years! Without anyone knowing!”

“Well, to be fair, we didn’t see each other that often. He was always travelling and training like a maniac.”

Draco rolled his eyes. “Shocking.” He frowned when something else occurred to him. “So you only date former Gryffindors?”

Potter, the prat, looked amused. “That’s just a coincidence. I’ve dated non-Gryffindors, too.”

“Let me guess, they were Hufflepuffs. You wouldn’t be able to keep up with a Ravenclaw, let alone a Slytherin.”

“Is that a challenge, Draco?” Potter laughed.

“Please, Potter, you wouldn’t be able to handle me.”


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