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“I just remembered, I was supposed to firecall mother this evening. I better get going before it gets too late.”

“Yeah, you do that,” Potter said. Draco almost shivered at how cold and distant his voice sounded.

“Thank you for dinner, it was—” He broke off, having no clue how to end that sentence. Potter refused to look at him which, thankfully, made his flight a little easier at least.

Unfortunately, Potter’s stony expression, averted from Draco’s gaze, was all he could think about as he lay awake that night, unable to find any rest.

Saturday, 1 March 2003

“Happy birthday, Ron!”

“Thanks, Luna. Oh, what’s this?”

“Your present, of course,” Luna beamed. Weasley took it with a bright grin, which quickly faded when he realised whatever was in that package was moving.

“Luna,” he said, sounding alarmed. “What’s in there?”

“It’s a surprise, obviously. Be sure to tell me when you open it. I want to see your face.”

Draco wasn’t sure whether to laugh at Weasley’s worried expression or to be worried himself. Luna was such a wildcard.

He cleared his throat and extended his arm. “Happy birthday, Weasley.”

For a second, Draco thought Weasley would decline his hand. How ironic would that be? But he didn’t, and he didn’t squeeze as hard as Draco would have expected. Without further explanation, Draco handed him the bottle of firewhiskey under his arm. Some might have said it was a boring gift, but these people obviously had no taste. Which was why Draco was far more concerned about the fact that this was probably throwing pearls before swine.

“Oh wow, that’s some premium stuff! Thanks, err, Malfoy.” Huh. He almost sounded genuine. Still, it didn’t make Draco less uncomfortable to be here. Yes, he could have declined Luna’s offer to accompany her to the party, but…well. As always, it was all Potter’s fault.

Draco hadn’t seen him since that dreadful dinner and neither of them had made contact again. Even though Draco wanted to explain his…situation, he had a feeling it would only make things worse. Coming here probably wasn’t the smartest move, given these circumstances, but it was also the perfect opportunity to see Potter again without having to initiate it. And even though Draco would rather have been dead than admit it out loud, he missed seeing the stupid prat.

As soon as he and Luna stepped into the living room, Draco scanned the crowd. There were a few people he didn’t recognise. Probably people Weasley worked with. Great, just what Draco needed, a bunch of drunk Aurors! Well, they didn’t look that professional now, all dressed very casually and surrounded by colourful balloons that were floating around the room.

He spotted Granger, who was talking to some people from school; Thomas and Finnigan, who were apparently joined at the hip these days, Longbottom, a few other Gryffindors whose names had escaped Draco, and…no Potter. Ugh.

“So, should we get a—” Draco looked around when he realised he was talking to nobody. Where was Luna? Ah, there she was, talking to one of the Weasley twins. Draco’s heart sank a little when he realised he had forgotten his name again, identifying him instead as ‘the one who survived’. Draco couldn’t have cared less about his name before, but now…Maybe it was time to make some real effort.

Bracing himself for the uncomfortable conversation he was undoubtedly about to have, he walked over to them, his joints becoming more stiff with every step.


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