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“At this point, I think I have every right to do so,” Potter retorted.

“Fuck you, Potter! You act so high and mighty, but you told me you just wanted to be friends.”

“I never said I wanted to be just friends.”

“Oh, so this is all my fault?”

“You were leading me on!”

“I’m not going to sit here and listen to this bollocks,” Draco barked, jumping out of his seat so fast, the chair fell over. “You don’t get to make me the bad guy anymore.”

As soon as he got outside, Draco hesitated. If he walked away now, would that be it? Technically, he was single now; as was Potter.

Draco let out a humourless laugh. Maybe it just wasn’t meant to be.

Just as he drew his wand and got ready to Apparate, somebody grabbed his shoulder and whirled him around.

“You’re seriously going to leave?” Potter barked. “I can’t believe you!”

“Why? Because the fight is only over when you’ve won?” Draco huffed.

“Why can’t we just talk about this like normal people?”

“Oh, so you think I’m some kind of abomination?”

“No, I think you’re a coward!”

Snarling, Draco narrowed his eyes. How dare he!

“You have no idea—”

“Oh yeah?” Potter interrupted him. “Then prove it! Go to Cho’s wedding with me tomorrow. Or are you too much of a wimp to—”

“FINE,” Draco bellowed, fuming. “But you have to pick me up at the Manor.”

“FINE,” Potter yelled back. “I’ll be there at nine. Wear the Muggle suit.”



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