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“That’s a secret I’ll be taking to my grave, I’m afraid,” he said.

Annoyance flickered over the wizard’s face, which he quickly tried to mask with a smile.

“Of course.” Finally, he let go of Potter’s hand but kept scrutinising him. “I was very sorry to hear about your relationship with young Mrs. Weasley. Are you here on your own?”

Before Draco knew what was happening, he felt a hand on his hip which pulled him against Potter’s side.

“I’m not, actually,” Potter said, his lips stretching into a devious smile. The heat of the sun suddenly seemed to burn Draco alive. It was the same gesture Potter had used to make Draco jealous. Only, now, he was the one Potter was claiming.

They hadn’t discussed the details of today’s…arrangement. Yes, Draco was here as Potter’s date, but they hadn’t talked about whether or not they would be open about it. While Draco knew his mother had strong suspicions about his preference, it had been very much implied on numerous occasions he was never to make it public knowledge. Well, so much for that.

It was more than surprising that Potter was acting like this, actually. After everything he had told him, Draco had been sure he wanted to keep a low profile, especially when it came to his private life. All it would take was some shady reporter behind a bush, taking some pictures, and the whole Wizarding World would go bonkers. Speaking of which…

The old wizard was still gawking at them, shock written all over his face.

“But—But that’s Draco Malfoy,” he spluttered. Draco’s stomach lurched uncomfortably. Even though he wanted to hex the wizard, his eyes inadvertently wandered over to Potter’s face when he felt him pulling him closer.

“I’m a lucky guy, aren’t I?” Potter said, his eyes piercing Draco’s. The world around them suddenly seemed to come to a halt. Draco knew Potter had just said that to provoke the old wizard, but the way he was looking at him…It almost made Draco believe Potter actually meant it. He had no idea how long they were standing there like this, staring at each other, until somebody bumped into Draco, yanking him back to reality. Potter seemed a bit startled, too, and removed his hand from Draco’s hip.

“He’s gone,” he muttered, glancing over his shoulder.

“I thought you had a problem with disappointing people,” Draco said quietly, feeling more confused than ever.

“He was being a dick,” Potter said with a frown.

“Was grabbing me really necessary, though?” Draco grumbled, suddenly feeling embarrassed.

“He didn’t even acknowledge you!” Potter said, heatedly. “It’s obvious you’re my date, but he was ignorant on purpose. He talked about you as if you weren’t standing right next to me.”

Draco blinked. Was this what it felt like to be on the receiving end of Potter’s chivalry? Even though Draco wanted to point out he was more than capable of fighting his own battles, he had to admit, it didn’t feel too bad to have Potter defend him like that. Not bad at all.

“You’ve got to stop doing that,” Potter murmured. His voice sounded raspier than before.

“What?” Draco knitted his brows together in confusion. What was he doing?

“Biting your lip like that.”

Draco couldn’t suppress the shiver that seized him at hearing the longing in Potter’s voice. This time, he was absolutely sure he wasn’t imagining things. Potter wanted him. Merlin, if only he knew how much Draco wanted him!


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