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It was mere seconds before they had solid ground under their feet again and Draco felt something hard against his back. A wall? Oh, no, it was a door. Before he got the chance to snap at Potter for not giving him any warning, he was pinned against said door, his eyes fluttering shut.

“Oh, Merlin,” he gasped, as Potter sucked his earlobe into his mouth. That man had some serious skills with his tongue.

“Fuck, you smell bloody fantastic,” Potter growled, pressing his body even more firmly against Draco’s. The door handle was digging uncomfortably into his side, but Draco couldn’t be bothered with that. He let his head fall back against the door as Potter kissed his neck, eliciting all kinds of obscene sounds from him.

“Where are we exactly?” Potter murmured against Draco’s skin.

Draco cracked open one eye, internally smirking when he realised where Potter had Apparated them to. The prat had never even been to this part of the Manor, but of course he had almost perfect aim.

“Outside my bedroom,” Draco whispered.

Potter pulled back, an odd expression on his face.

“What?” Draco asked, taken aback. Potter seemed to consider something, but didn’t answer before lowering his head to kiss Draco’s neck again. “Oh!”

“You let me Apparate inside the Manor?” Potter muttered.

“Yes?” Draco said, distracted by Potter licking his collarbone.

Potter hummed in response and pushed Draco’s shirt out of the way to suck on the spot where his neck connected with his shoulder.

“Fuck, Potter!”

Draco felt him smile against his skin, sending a tingle down his spine.

“I like the sound of that,” Potter said, his voice low.

Draco inhaled sharply and instantly grabbed Potter’s face with both of his hands, pulling it back to eye level. He stroked his beard with his thumb, remembering how unnerved he had been when he had first seen it, how much he had wanted to touch it…It was overwhelming, finally being able to, being allowed to touch it…

Slowly, he pulled Potter to him, his heart giving a violent jolt when their lips brushed against each other. Potter made a noise that went straight to Draco’s groin. His hands flew up to tangle in Draco’s hair and his leg was suddenly wedged between Draco’s thighs, rubbing deliciously against his cock.

“Merlin, I want you so bad,” Potter mumbled between kisses. Draco could only groan in agreement.

Intent on not breaking the kiss, he clumsily fumbled for the door handle. He almost fell backwards when the door suddenly opened, pulling Potter along with him. They both blinked, the sudden brightness of the chandelier in Draco’s room piercing their eyes.

Draco swallowed hard when he noticed the way Potter was looking at him.

“Merlin, you’re beautiful,” he breathed, brushing a few strands of hair out of Draco’s face.


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